FDSNWS-Station Data:

Network Code Name Latitude Longitude Elevation [m] Status Start End Created
6A R518 Fairfield ZLand 5Hz 3C Gen 2, surface installation 47.926900 15.858219 1045.00 n/a 2019/5/14 2019/5/14 2019/5/14

FDSNWS-Station Instrumentation Data:

Channel Sensor type Sensor description Sensor model Sensor manufacturer Datalogger Sensitivity value Sensitivity frequency Input units name Output units name
GHE Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node 5Hz 3C Geophone (12dB Gain Setting) Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node n/a n/a 75900 10 M/S n/a
GHN Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node 5Hz 3C Geophone (12dB Gain Setting) Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node n/a n/a 75900 10 M/S n/a
GHZ Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node 5Hz 3C Geophone (12dB Gain Setting) Fairfield ZLand Gen2 Node n/a n/a 75900 10 M/S n/a

Basic Data:

Start End Imported from FDSN Last FDSN sync
None None May 18, 2020, 7:15 a.m. May 18, 2020, 7:15 a.m.

Owner Data:

Firstname Lastname Department Agency City Street Country Phone Email
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Morphology Data:

Geological Unit Morphology Class Ground Type EC8 Groundwater Depth [m] Vs 30 [m/s] f0 [Hz] Amp(f0) Basin Flag Bedrock Depth [m]
0 0 0 0 False 0

Housing Data:

Housing Class In Building? Number of storeys Distance to building
True 0 0

Borehole Data:

Depth [m]

Borehole Layers:

Description Top depth [m] Bottom depth [m]