2018 ORFEUS Annual Meeting

Registration Closed


General Information

The ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop of this year will be held in Athens, Greece, on 12-14 November 2018 and is hosted by the National Observatory of Athens. The workshop will focus on Strong-Motion Seismology and Engineering Seismology. Core thematic areas will be:
  • T1 - Coordination and knowledge transfer among Euro-Mediterranean networks and observatories;
  • T2 - ORFEUS / EPOS strong-motion services and products;
  • T3 - Challenges in Strong-Motion and Engineering Seismology and the role of ORFEUS in serving the community to face them;
  • T4 - Best practices in site characterisation;
  • T5 - EPOS NFOs data integration.

The workshop will comprise oral and poster presentations. The oral program will include only solicited talks in all thematic areas. The present list of confirmed speakers includes:

  • P. Bernard (IPGP), D. Bindi (GFZ), C. Cauzzi (SED/ETHZ),
  • J. Clinton (SED@ETHZ), C. Cornou (ISTerre), J. Douglas (Uni. Strathclyde),
  • U. Hancilar (KOERI), F. Haslinger (SED@ETHZ), I. Kalogeras (NOA),
  • S.-R. Kotha (GFZ), O.-J. Ktenidou (NOA), L. Luzi (INGV),
  • A. Marmureanu (NIEP), E. Maufroy (ISTErre), N. Melis (NOA),
  • A. Michelini (INGV), F. Pacor (INGV), A. Pinar (KOERI),
  • Z. Roumelioti (AUTH), R. Rupakhety (Uni Iceland), M. Shahvar (BHRC),
  • R. Sleeman (KNMI), E. Sokos (UPAT), A. Temiz (AFAD),
  • E. Tepeugur (AFAD), N. Theodoulidis (ITSAK), G. Weatherill (GFZ).

All attendees are encouraged to contribute with poster presentations in all thematic areas. We aim to have a rich discussion that brings together experiences and ideas from the operational and research communities. Students and early career seismologists are encouraged to attend. Please indicate on the registration form whether you qualify as an early career scientist or student.

The detailed program will be made available on the official workshop website. The workshop includes an optional guided visit to the Acropolis and its strong-motion monitoring array on November 14 in the morning.

This workshop is co-sponsored by EPOS Seismology, and the participation of EPOS NFOs is encouraged.


The workshop will take place at the Amphitheater "Giannos Kranidiotis” (Akadimias 1, Athina 106 71, at walking distance from Syntagma Square, the National Garden and the Acropolis of Athens), thanks to the support of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, the UNESCO Chair on Natural Hazards in the Geosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere, established at NOA in 2006.

The participation to the workshop is free of charge, including buffet lunches and a social dinner on Monday night. Please register as soon as possible using the form below.

Registered Participants

A list of registered attendees can be found here.