FDSNWS Availability Webservice Implementation

The FDSNWS-Availability service provides access to data availability for requested channels and time windows.


This service is an implementation of the FDSN web service specification version 1. For a complete service description refer to fdsn.org/webservices.

Making a GET request

Waveform data can be downloaded from ORFEUS EIDA using GET request by contacting the webservice address with specific request options inside the URL query. Webservice requests are generally formatted as follows:


Example! Copy the following URL


This request will return availability data from station NL.HGN between 2017-01-01T00:00:00 and 2017-01-02T00:00:00 from ORFEUS Data Center.

Description of request parameters

The webservice supports the following parameters that can be used to fine-tune your request.

Option Example Value Description Default Type
Temporal Constraints
starttime 2010-02-27T06:30:00 Starttime for time window ISO-8601
endtime 2010-02-27T10:30:00 Endtime for time window ISO-8601
SEED Identifiers
network NL SEED Network code String
station HGN SEED Station code String
location 00 SEED Location code (use -- for blank location identifiers) String
channel BHZ SEED Channel code String
merge Merge by (samplerate, quality, overlap) Merge String
orderby Order by (nslc_time_quality_samplerate, latestupdate, latestupdate_desc, timespancount, timespancount_desc) Order by nslc_time_quality_samplerate String
limit 10 Limit by Integer
includerestricted true Include restricted networks false Boolean
format Either of (text, geocsv, request) Format of output text String
nodata Either of (204, 404) HTTP Status Code for empty response 204 Integer
mergegaps If set, merge time spans that are separated by the specified tolerance in seconds. 0.0 Float
nodata latestupdate If set to latestupdate, the latest times at which data contributing to the returned time spans were loaded into the repository are included in the result. This option applies to all formats except request. String

Wildcards and Lists

A question mark represents a single character, while an asterisk represents zero or more characters. Multiple items may also be retrieved using a comma separated list. SEED identifiers support wildcards and lists.

Time Formats

Times must be specified in the ISO-8601 format (e.g. 2017-01-01T00:00:00 or 2017-01-01) and are assumed to be in UTC.