Network details

Network Code: SJ 1980

Network Start Date: 1980/1/1

Network Description: Serbian Network of Seismic Stations (SJ-Net)

Network Restricted Status: open


List of stations

Station code Site name Start date
BBLS Latitude: 43.865157, Longitude: 19.406053 Station Bajina Basta-Lazici, Serbia 2005/1/1
BEO Latitude: 44.809297, Longitude: 20.471419 Station Beograd, Serbia 2005/1/1
DJES Latitude: 44.667165, Longitude: 22.519669 Station Derdap-Kladovo, Serbia 2005/1/1
FRGS Latitude: 45.157300, Longitude: 19.809800 Station Fruska-Gora, Serbia 2010/1/1
GRUS Latitude: 43.888764, Longitude: 20.715084 Station Gruza, Serbia 2005/1/1
JES Latitude: 43.261405, Longitude: 19.973146 Station Sjenica, Serbia 2006/1/1
SJES Latitude: 43.507700, Longitude: 19.700500 Station SJES 2000/1/1
SVIS Latitude: 44.265486, Longitude: 21.215175 Station Svilajnac, Serbia 2006/1/1